Monday, June 28, 2010

411 For The Tyson Method

I am planning my workout for today.
I am thinking on concentrating on the inner thigh and of course our bootys!
My goal is to keep these workouts changing for a couple of reasons. So they don't get boring and for muscle confusion.

I tried out this new piece of equipment (thanks to Julia) called the gym sick and it's my new favorite thing.
The only problem is each gym stick is $80.00. Just a little much to buy 15 of them. So we are going to buy one and put it in the circuit on Wednesday and see how our mamas like it.

We are on the last week of our 6 week challenge. I am excited to see the results these hard working women have achieved. It's been busy the last 6 weeks but the pay off is in the results. 
I am so happy for each of these women who committed and stuck to the 6 weeks. I have seen attitude changes and of course changes in the way they look. I am proud of how much these women have learnt about diet and eating to be healthy. I loved reading these women's journey over the last 6 weeks on our blog. It has been inspiring to say the least.

I am training 4 new instructors and I have to say they are learning fast. Alexis is going to teach her first portion of a class today. Exciting stuff!

Stacey (one of our 6 week challengers) is helping me with all the behind the scenes paper work. She is incredible, she is fast and a hard worker. She has an eye for detail and is organized. She is an answer to prayer. 

So that's what is going on at The Tyson Method this week.
Tami Tyson

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Try roasting some veggies!

Great accompaniment to the Roasted Chicken main dish. Roasted veggies are a great alternative to fried foods but still have that same great taste.
1 large onion, sliced or cubed
2 large baking potatoes, cubed
1 pkg. baby carrots, peeled and trimmed
2 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper for flavor
Red or green peppers (optional)
1. Rub veggies with olive oil.
2. Salt and pepper minimally for taste.
3. Place vegetables in a roasting pan, you may need to spray it lightly with PAM.
4. Roast in preheated 350 degree oven for approximately 45 minutes.
5. Test for doneness by pricking potatoes with fork, if it goes in easily, veggies should be ready.
6. Serve with roasted chicken, steak or pork chops.
Health Benefits
Nutrient dense, meaning you get a packed house of nutrients for the amount of calories that carrots, red peppers and potatoes have. The great thing about a potato is that it has both soluble and insoluble fiber. It helps to lower cholesterol and aid digestion. Eating foods like these are a great way to ensure women’s fitness and health.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why keep a food journal?

Faithfully I write in my journal each day.
Recording what I eat and how long I play.
Planning my goals, then tracking my success,
This daily devotion helps reduce my stress.

It has been proven time and again, that people who keep a journal of everything they eat and drink and the amount of exercise that they do have a much greater chance of success than those who do not.

Faithfully maintaining your daily journal will demonstrate commitment to your fitness program and keep you motivated to succeed. This is the best way to determine what foods and exercises work best for you.
Throughout the day, write down everything that you eat and drink and what physical activity you participate in using our nutritional tracking program on bootcamp4moms. By doing this, you are taking responsibility for the food that you put in your body. You can track the calories, fat and carbohydrates that you consume for a full nutritional evaluation. 

By keeping a journal for 90 days and monitoring your exercise and weight, you can get a good idea of how the tyson mehtod program is working for you.

It is a well-known fact that if you wish to form a new habit or change an old one, you must engage in the desired behavior for at least 30 consecutive days. The truth is the first 30 days are the hardest! If you get through the first 30, the next 30 won’t seem nearly as difficult. And the 30 days following will be even easier!
The Tyson Method encourages keeping a journal for at least the first 90 days of your fitness plan. As a personal trainer for women, I’ve found that those who followed my program and kept a journal for at least 90 days were more successful than those who didn’t.

Writing your goals on paper will transform them from a thought into something you can really work with.

For best results, start each week by writing down your goals. Now you have set the stage for your brain to react. Since the brain is wired to achieve, it will want to master the goals that you write down.

Anytime you set goals, you have to think about what you really want and how you will achieve it.

Your mind is the main catalyst for bringing about change in your life. Your brain is so powerful that it can alter your mental and physical health. Your own mind can work for you or it can work against you. It does not differentiate between good and bad, it just reacts to the stimuli. By controlling what you think about most of the time, you can bring about positive change in your life.
“Think about your life, your fitness goals and achievements…”
What changes would you like to see in your body?
How will you bring these goals to reality? This act of journaling, writing down your goals and accomplishments, will train your brain to Think to Shrink. Your brain will become so committed to bringing about your success that you will wonder why it took you so long to get started.
Tami Tyson

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This is a topic i feel so passionate about as many of you know.
1st  of all many pesticides accumulate in fatty tissues, such as that found in the female breast. WOmen with breast cancer were found to be 5 times as likely as cancer-free women to have detectable levels of pesticide DDT in their blood and more then 9 times as likely to have detectable levels of another estrogen-modulating pesticide, hexachlorobenzene. And it can reside in the body for decades. There probably isn't one person living in the US that doesn't carry some pesticides in her body. Attention deficit disorder affects 3-6 % of our school children. Certain pesticides cross over the placenta and enter the brain of the developing fetus.A university study in Arizona found children exposed to a combination of pesticides before birth and through breast milk exhibited less stamina, and poorer memory than other kids.
So lets eat organic!!
If not for yourself, do it for your children.
Tami Tyson