Monday, June 28, 2010

411 For The Tyson Method

I am planning my workout for today.
I am thinking on concentrating on the inner thigh and of course our bootys!
My goal is to keep these workouts changing for a couple of reasons. So they don't get boring and for muscle confusion.

I tried out this new piece of equipment (thanks to Julia) called the gym sick and it's my new favorite thing.
The only problem is each gym stick is $80.00. Just a little much to buy 15 of them. So we are going to buy one and put it in the circuit on Wednesday and see how our mamas like it.

We are on the last week of our 6 week challenge. I am excited to see the results these hard working women have achieved. It's been busy the last 6 weeks but the pay off is in the results. 
I am so happy for each of these women who committed and stuck to the 6 weeks. I have seen attitude changes and of course changes in the way they look. I am proud of how much these women have learnt about diet and eating to be healthy. I loved reading these women's journey over the last 6 weeks on our blog. It has been inspiring to say the least.

I am training 4 new instructors and I have to say they are learning fast. Alexis is going to teach her first portion of a class today. Exciting stuff!

Stacey (one of our 6 week challengers) is helping me with all the behind the scenes paper work. She is incredible, she is fast and a hard worker. She has an eye for detail and is organized. She is an answer to prayer. 

So that's what is going on at The Tyson Method this week.
Tami Tyson

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