I have been trying to find a simple members site that wasn't a fortune since January. I had almost given up and then i found this site. I think it is really easy to use and you can easily set up a profile on it. We can use it to communicate from La to Canada.
If you are a member to one of our bootcamps you can be a part of this. Make sure to ask your trainer to send you the invitation. Once you become a member we will invite you to join one of our groups
90 day challenge
Nutrition group
The trainers will also be blogging on this site from now on.
It is a way that we can all stay connected in one place.
A place to discuss how we are enjoying the workouts and our own personal journey to living a healthy life.
I am so happy to be able to offer this to our members
Have a wonderful day
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
2 weeks done!
2 weeks done in the Rosenort bootcamp and we are working hard. We're striving for big results in the end of the 4 weeks and for some at the end of the 90 challenge.
We've talked about a few nutritional things like ground chicken or turkey verses hamburger. Also the benefits of red wine, and remembering to reach for the 100% whole wheat instead of multigrain. We got alot of really good ideas from each other to help us out in our every day eating habits.
We'll miss not having Evie, Terrilee and Sherisse help lead in the bootcamps at Rosenort , but we are all very excited about them starting up there own bootcamps in Winkler, Morris and Niverville. Well done girls!!!
It's not to late to join the 90 day challenge starting this week. You'll love it and feel great for Christmas.
Have a great day and we'll see you at Bootcamp!!
We've talked about a few nutritional things like ground chicken or turkey verses hamburger. Also the benefits of red wine, and remembering to reach for the 100% whole wheat instead of multigrain. We got alot of really good ideas from each other to help us out in our every day eating habits.
We'll miss not having Evie, Terrilee and Sherisse help lead in the bootcamps at Rosenort , but we are all very excited about them starting up there own bootcamps in Winkler, Morris and Niverville. Well done girls!!!
It's not to late to join the 90 day challenge starting this week. You'll love it and feel great for Christmas.
Have a great day and we'll see you at Bootcamp!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Testimonial about Alexis - Tyson Method Trainer!
My super sweet sis-in-law has become a killer trainer doing a bootcamp for moms, where kids are welcome!
If you're interested, or know anyone who is, go to
It's an amazing workout, modifies for all fitness levels and is done at Valley Park in Hermosa Beach. I can testify from personal experience that this workout gets results (and thoroughly kicks my ass ; ) Its never boring and mixes elements of cardio training, core work, pilates... very effective.
From toddlers to infants, the kids just hang out near your mat / towel during the work out and you're welcome to stop if you need to nurse or chase, or whatever momma moments arise!
Best of all possible worlds to commit to your own wellness while also modeling a healthy lifestyle for your kids... all under the SoCal sun (I swear, exercising outdoors is 100% easier!).
If you're interested, or know anyone who is, go to
It's an amazing workout, modifies for all fitness levels and is done at Valley Park in Hermosa Beach. I can testify from personal experience that this workout gets results (and thoroughly kicks my ass ; ) Its never boring and mixes elements of cardio training, core work, pilates... very effective.
From toddlers to infants, the kids just hang out near your mat / towel during the work out and you're welcome to stop if you need to nurse or chase, or whatever momma moments arise!
Best of all possible worlds to commit to your own wellness while also modeling a healthy lifestyle for your kids... all under the SoCal sun (I swear, exercising outdoors is 100% easier!).
Monday, September 6, 2010
Resveratrol - Who knew red wine could be good for you?
For a long time now scientists have been working hard to discover why the French have very low heart disease statistics compared with many other countries when their diet is often worse.
They now think they've found the answer - red wine - or more specifically an ingredient of red wine called resveratrol. The following are some of the results of tests that have already been conducted.
Energy and muscles - lab tests on mice have shown that those using the compound are able to run twice as for as those who aren't. This is due to the increase oxygen consumption of the muscle tissue.
Heart - red wine drinkers are approximately 50% less likely to get heart disease. This is due to the compounds cholesterol reducing properties.
Brain and kidneys - It has been shown that mice fed on red wine and a high cholesterol diet seem to be protected against oxidative stress and high blood cholesterol
Prostate cancer - experiments showed an 87% decrease in prostate cancer. Additionally for those who already have it can slow down the progression.
Lung cancer - A 3 year study on men between 45 and 69 revealed that those who drunk red wine had a 2 % lower chance of lung cancer where those who drunk beer and white wine showed no reduction at all.
Antioxidants - Just like green tea it has high levels of antioxidants that can help prevent many diseases.
Anti-aging - The life span of middle aged mice increased 33%-60% when small amount of restervol were added to their diet. It kept their hearts healthy and slowed the signs of aging
Cell protection - It's been found to inhibit the production of several cancer cells including stomach, colon, breast, thyroid and pancreas cancers.
Liver disease - Heavy alcohol consumption causes fat to accumulate in the liver which sometimes leads to fibrosis and other liver diseases. Excessive alcohol drinking inhibits the production of a couple of proteins vital for breaking down fats in the liver.
One of the most common diseases in America is Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). People who took red wine daily reduced the risk of NAFLD by 50% but those who drunk moderate levels of spirits and white wine were 4 times more likely of getting having suspected NAFLD.
The discovery of all these resveratrol health benefits is very exciting and offers us all the potential to live longer and healthier. Imagine what it would be like to still have the vitality to run around after you grandchildren or maybe even your great-grand children. So lets all start to incorporate resveratrol into your diet.
Hope you like this article ladies
Morris Bootcamp Starts Next Week!
I have been super busy preparing for the Morris bootcamp starting Sept. 14. I will be offering a 9:30am and 5:30pm class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Many women have already inquired – some are working moms, some stay-at-home moms, and some who are not moms. I have also been encouraging the teenage girls to come and check it out. I can help them get in shape for their school sports teams. It will be great to have a mix! Working out is so much more fun in a group. It will be great to meet women from the community and I’m sure we’ll walk away with lasting friendships. I can’t wait to share with these women what I have learned about fitness and nutrition and show them practical ways to help them live their best life! I personally have never seen results like this before. I am stronger and more toned than ever and I am excited to help these women experience similar results! We are going to have so much fun! To inquire, you can email me at or call 746-6974.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Summerland Boot Camp
We're not even up and running yet here in Summerland and we already have a couple of women committed to the 90 Day Challenge and nutrition analysis! It's great to see people excited about making long term changes for their health. Yes, I'm sure they want visible results but the conversations we're having so far are about lifestyle, committment, and balance. I think that's a strong foundation for success.
We start on Sept. 14th, I'll let you know how it goes!
We start on Sept. 14th, I'll let you know how it goes!
411 The Tyson Method
Things are moving along fast with The Tyson Method.
I have been working my but off, and loving every minute of it.
I have been training 7 new trainers this summer and they will all begin teaching Sept 15th. Exciting stuff!
It has been a journey that is for sure. At times i have to admit i wondered if i had made the right choices, but now with only a week away i am confident in each of my trainers. So many of them have worked to make their weaknesses their strengths. They have been pushed past their comfort zones in so many ways. And they made it, they are ready to lead their own bootcamps. I couldn't be prouder!
We are adding a membership section to our web-site. I hope to have it up by Sept 15th. I am so excited to be able to offer this to our members. A place to connect and share this journey together.
We will be starting Tyson Method TV soon too. We will be putting up the schedule soon for our webisodes. So excited about this, it will be fun!
We are starting our 90 day challenge Sept 15th!!
So please tell all your family and friends about it. If they don't have a location near them we offer the on-line version as well. It is perfect for stay at home moms. And perfect for Canada with those cold winters.
The 90 day challenge is a great way to get results for those who are serious about living their best life.
We offer a supportive community live and on-line boot camps and our nutritional program(thanks to Stacey) is something i am so proud of. It has everything you need to help you succeed.
I love this life and i love that i get to work with moms.
I am so thankful for the incredible team of women working with me. I could not do this with out them.
What a blessing, every day i wake up and Thank you God, for such an incredible life.
I have been working my but off, and loving every minute of it.
I have been training 7 new trainers this summer and they will all begin teaching Sept 15th. Exciting stuff!
It has been a journey that is for sure. At times i have to admit i wondered if i had made the right choices, but now with only a week away i am confident in each of my trainers. So many of them have worked to make their weaknesses their strengths. They have been pushed past their comfort zones in so many ways. And they made it, they are ready to lead their own bootcamps. I couldn't be prouder!
We are adding a membership section to our web-site. I hope to have it up by Sept 15th. I am so excited to be able to offer this to our members. A place to connect and share this journey together.
We will be starting Tyson Method TV soon too. We will be putting up the schedule soon for our webisodes. So excited about this, it will be fun!
We are starting our 90 day challenge Sept 15th!!
So please tell all your family and friends about it. If they don't have a location near them we offer the on-line version as well. It is perfect for stay at home moms. And perfect for Canada with those cold winters.
The 90 day challenge is a great way to get results for those who are serious about living their best life.
We offer a supportive community live and on-line boot camps and our nutritional program(thanks to Stacey) is something i am so proud of. It has everything you need to help you succeed.
I love this life and i love that i get to work with moms.
I am so thankful for the incredible team of women working with me. I could not do this with out them.
What a blessing, every day i wake up and Thank you God, for such an incredible life.
Lets get it started in Niverville!!!
I'm so excited to get the Tyson Method started in Niverville On September 15!! There are so many reasons why I'm looking forward to it! I've been going to the bootcamp in Rosenort lead by Lisa for that last 12 weeks. I've enjoyed every minute of it! I can notice my legs and bum really tighting up and I have so much more energy! I've also enjoyed getting to know some women from around town a bit more. It's a small community so I've always known who most of these women are but now when I meet them in town I feel like there is more of a connection. I feel a little bond with them, we're working out hard together and trying to be healthier together!
I really want to be able to bring these same feelings to Niverville. I hope that the weather stays as nice as it was this weekend so we can start in Hesperler park. If any of you have friends or family in Niverville let them know!! If you want more info. you can email me, Sherisse at
Saturday, September 4, 2010
A New and always getting better Bootcamp with the Tyson Method!
Welcome Back to all the strong and beautiful moms/women in Rosenort. And we are also very excited about all the new moms/women coming to this session of The Tyson Method bootcamp!
Not all the ladies that join our bootcamp are moms any more, so that is why I put the / in. The bootcamp has become popular over the Summer and is attracting all ages and fitness levels. They are modifications in every work out to make it harder or start off at a lower level.
Saying that It was absolutely a blast on the start off day of this bootcamp. We are also starting the 90 day challenge for those of you that are interested and what to make a life changing difference. The 90 day challenge starts on the 15th of Sept. so get in now before it's to late. You won't be sorry you did.
We had a few shaky legs walking out of class. These women worked hard and will notice a difference after a week or month never mind 90 days. Listen to the ques and giving it your all at the work outs, and incorporating a healthy eating plan , you will be guaranteed results. Unfortunately these things don't happen with a magic wand, but it really doesn't take to much to make it work .
We have so many exciting things to offer you and help you with, have a look at the website .
Remember nutrition is a part of it all . We want to eat smarter(not less) and give our body what it needs to do and look the way we want it to be. We'll be talking about nutrition in very bootcamp class and going through it together. With tips and knowing that the other moms are doing the same thing, it will make it fun not tapper off to be boring and unachievable. If you feel lost and need more help than that ,we have a nutritionist on hand and she'll be able to look at what your doing and guide you through it all. It will be alot easier.
We can do this girls!! Christmas will feel totally different this year!
Can't wait to see all of you again on Tuesday. Have a fabulous long weekend everyone.
Not all the ladies that join our bootcamp are moms any more, so that is why I put the / in. The bootcamp has become popular over the Summer and is attracting all ages and fitness levels. They are modifications in every work out to make it harder or start off at a lower level.
Saying that It was absolutely a blast on the start off day of this bootcamp. We are also starting the 90 day challenge for those of you that are interested and what to make a life changing difference. The 90 day challenge starts on the 15th of Sept. so get in now before it's to late. You won't be sorry you did.
We had a few shaky legs walking out of class. These women worked hard and will notice a difference after a week or month never mind 90 days. Listen to the ques and giving it your all at the work outs, and incorporating a healthy eating plan , you will be guaranteed results. Unfortunately these things don't happen with a magic wand, but it really doesn't take to much to make it work .
We have so many exciting things to offer you and help you with, have a look at the website .
Remember nutrition is a part of it all . We want to eat smarter(not less) and give our body what it needs to do and look the way we want it to be. We'll be talking about nutrition in very bootcamp class and going through it together. With tips and knowing that the other moms are doing the same thing, it will make it fun not tapper off to be boring and unachievable. If you feel lost and need more help than that ,we have a nutritionist on hand and she'll be able to look at what your doing and guide you through it all. It will be alot easier.
We can do this girls!! Christmas will feel totally different this year!
Can't wait to see all of you again on Tuesday. Have a fabulous long weekend everyone.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Getting ready for September!
Well the last boot camp has come to an end in Rosenort. We worked hard in the boot camp sessions and felt amazing. Most of the fitness tests are done. There were some really good results and some that people thought would be better. The feed back after the fitness test I found very interesting. There were some women who had lost up to 5 inches , but still felt that the results should be more because it wasn't were they wanted to lose the 5 inches. Fair enough, I understand that. I totally understand that because I have been there with the same mind set. I think the best thing in that situation is to take a deep breath and keep going. 6 weeks really is not that much time. This also might be a good time to look at more of your nutrition. And perhaps going to 3 days a week. Getting and keeping our body strong and health is work and more work than we want to put into it some times. But it will always pay off.
At least we all know that building muscle and burn fat off all our muscles will not make us gain fat cells. We all have to agree on that. If we keep going and watch what we eat are bodies have no choice but to give in to our health ways.
Come on Moms! We have all had bigger hurdles to jump . Lets do it ! Lets get fit a health for our kids , husbands and families.
It was and is such a pleasure working out with all the women. I really do love helping out as much as I can.
I can't wait to see all of you back again.
The 90 day challenge will be unbelievable!!!
But if you can just make it for part of it that's great too.
See you Sept. 2nd to start off the last part of the year with a bang!
At least we all know that building muscle and burn fat off all our muscles will not make us gain fat cells. We all have to agree on that. If we keep going and watch what we eat are bodies have no choice but to give in to our health ways.
Come on Moms! We have all had bigger hurdles to jump . Lets do it ! Lets get fit a health for our kids , husbands and families.
It was and is such a pleasure working out with all the women. I really do love helping out as much as I can.
I can't wait to see all of you back again.
The 90 day challenge will be unbelievable!!!
But if you can just make it for part of it that's great too.
See you Sept. 2nd to start off the last part of the year with a bang!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Join our 90 day challenge!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Summer is getting close to a end.....
I can not believe that Summer has passed us so fast. It's been great, filled with lots of hot weather and time with wonderful bootcamp buddies.
The Rosenort bootcamp is on the last week of the 6 weeks. The moms/women look absolutely amazing! In total the majority of the women have been doing the Tyson Method bootcamp for 12 weeks with only one week break in between. There is one mom that has been eating health, not dieting but choosing clean healthy food and working out in the bootcamp, as well as keeping very busy with three kids and a business, and has lost 30 pounds. She looks so strong and lean . This is just one of the many women I'm proud of in the boot camp.
Well the kids will be back in school and routine will start again, time for next boot camp in Rosenort.It will start Sept. 2nd. You'll be able the choose between a 3 day week or 2 day week. And it will run for 4 weeks. Let me know if your interested before it's to late.... I can't wait to start again.
See you Thursday:)
The Rosenort bootcamp is on the last week of the 6 weeks. The moms/women look absolutely amazing! In total the majority of the women have been doing the Tyson Method bootcamp for 12 weeks with only one week break in between. There is one mom that has been eating health, not dieting but choosing clean healthy food and working out in the bootcamp, as well as keeping very busy with three kids and a business, and has lost 30 pounds. She looks so strong and lean . This is just one of the many women I'm proud of in the boot camp.
Well the kids will be back in school and routine will start again, time for next boot camp in Rosenort.It will start Sept. 2nd. You'll be able the choose between a 3 day week or 2 day week. And it will run for 4 weeks. Let me know if your interested before it's to late.... I can't wait to start again.
See you Thursday:)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I made it back on!!
Hi everyone!!
I have so much to say over the last few weeks of boot camp in Rosenort and starting up boot camp in Stienbach.
We are on our 5th week in Rosenort and it is going really well. The women/moms are looking amazing, but still a bit shy of the camera. I did manage to take a few pictures to day, I hope to post them Thursday after I get the go ahead. There were lots of kids out today doing there own bootcamp. I was very impressed with there form. We felt like we were working out in fall weather today , but we made it through with leaps and bounds. It seamed to make it a bit easier than the almost 40c weather we were working out in last week. I don't think I've ever felt my eyes lids sweat before.
We've been working on our booty lift work outs to pilates and yoga , then tae bo to top it off. So much abs that we wouldn't feel a speeding bus hit us in our core. It's been great watching and helping and doing this boot camp with these hard working Canadian women killing it in all weather and conditions.
It Stienbach it's been great, but a bit harder of a start with it being August and families on holidays and in Summer mode. The moms that have showed up have been a complete pleasure to work out with and show the tyson method way. I'm really looking forward to see them tomorrow. Lets hope the weather is better for us.
The very first class was absolutely the hardest class I've done so far. It was insanely hot, but the girls made it through with smile and came back the second time loving it and wanting more. They were very sore and complete troopers.
Tami and I have got so many comments from husbands . It's so sweet to hearing the men/partners rave on about how happy they are with there fit wives, and what a difference it's made in their lives and their families lives.
Keep up the good work ladies! It's such a pleasure to see all of you the two days a week.
I have so much to say over the last few weeks of boot camp in Rosenort and starting up boot camp in Stienbach.
We are on our 5th week in Rosenort and it is going really well. The women/moms are looking amazing, but still a bit shy of the camera. I did manage to take a few pictures to day, I hope to post them Thursday after I get the go ahead. There were lots of kids out today doing there own bootcamp. I was very impressed with there form. We felt like we were working out in fall weather today , but we made it through with leaps and bounds. It seamed to make it a bit easier than the almost 40c weather we were working out in last week. I don't think I've ever felt my eyes lids sweat before.
We've been working on our booty lift work outs to pilates and yoga , then tae bo to top it off. So much abs that we wouldn't feel a speeding bus hit us in our core. It's been great watching and helping and doing this boot camp with these hard working Canadian women killing it in all weather and conditions.
It Stienbach it's been great, but a bit harder of a start with it being August and families on holidays and in Summer mode. The moms that have showed up have been a complete pleasure to work out with and show the tyson method way. I'm really looking forward to see them tomorrow. Lets hope the weather is better for us.
The very first class was absolutely the hardest class I've done so far. It was insanely hot, but the girls made it through with smile and came back the second time loving it and wanting more. They were very sore and complete troopers.
Tami and I have got so many comments from husbands . It's so sweet to hearing the men/partners rave on about how happy they are with there fit wives, and what a difference it's made in their lives and their families lives.
Keep up the good work ladies! It's such a pleasure to see all of you the two days a week.
Keeping your child happy so you can have a great workout
According to 2009 study published in the Journal of Women’s Health, the top two excuses new moms use for not getting to exercise are lack of time and issues with childcare. So what to do with the baby when there is a chance to squeeze in that workout?
The simple solution: Incorporate your baby into your workout. One easy way, especially with the return of warmer weather, is by taking baby along in the stroller as you get in some cardio. And there are plenty of ways to keep junior happy while you’re exercising. Here are some tips to keep your workout an enjoyable experience for all. INFANTS
- Young babies cry to get their basic needs met. Make sure that your baby begins your workout well-fed, with a clean diaper, and dressed in layers that can be easily removed or added.
- Position your baby close enough to see you. Interact with your infant while you are doing exercises -- for example, you can turn a jump squat into a jump squat-tickle.
- If you’re heading outside to enjoy the weather, attach some favorite toys to your stroller that are within your baby’s reach. If your child is a pacifier fan, bring a few extras.
- Make sure that your toddler is comfortably dressed and has healthy snacks available.
- Keep a special bag of toys and books that is only for your exercise time. Travel-size toys, cars, phones and musical toys are popular and are easily portable.
- Encourage your toddler to count the number of pushups you do or to imitate you as you do some jumping jacks.
As with adults, there will be some days when your child wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. Just remind yourself that exercise will not only help you lose the baby weight, but by including your child, you’ll foster a lifetime of healthy habits.
I thought this was a fantastic article and had to share it will all The Tyson Method mommies!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Desiree's Results using The Tyson Method
Desiree has been training with The Tyson Method over the last 8 weeks. She is a hard worker and a mother of 3 active girls. She works full time running a company with her husband, and still somehow manages to get in 4 workouts a week with us.
These are some results from her fit test today her fit test today
She lost 4.6 inches
Vertical leap increased by 11 inches
Pushups increased by 6
Her flexibility increased by 3 inches
Crunches went from 17 to 37
Seated wall squat was double the time
Dumbbell curls doubled as well, (she did 60 reps)
I am so proud of this lovely lady. She has impeccable form and always gives 100%.
She is a motivation for so many.
Thanks Des,
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Half way there!
I absolutely LOVE this boot camp - I am really having a lot of fun, and working hard! It's so great that Lisa is doing this in Rosenort.....I'm just sorry that I didn't join the first one - I'd be so much further ahead :) I've been trying to lose those famous "last 10 lbs" for awhile now, and find it hard to get motivated some days - and this has been great to get me going. I am NOT a morning person, so this something that I work with to get ready to go in the morning, but I also find that I don't want to sleep in as much either. I am getting more energy, and feel stronger, and I'm not even done yet....I do find though that I am for sure hungrier, and need to make sure that I do make better choices in what I am eating. I don't really like that the scale is moving upwards a bit, and yet the clothes are definitely getting a bit looser though. I know that the scale is evil, but I have to keep tabs on what/where I am. Battling the bulge for years, I just know that does work and keep accountable!
Thanks Tami for a great program, and Lisa for keeping us going during the workouts - you amaze me :)
Thanks Tami for a great program, and Lisa for keeping us going during the workouts - you amaze me :)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Boot Camp Success
I completed the 6-week, Tyson Method Challenge and had fantastic results! I did the before & after fit tests and measurements and was so glad that I did. I lost 5 1/2 inches and 11 lbs! Most of it came off the hips & thighs, and that is a good thing. I can see a lot more muscle than I used to. I'm back in what I consider my ideal weight range and feel fantastic. I can do 26 push-ups instead of 5. I've really improved my eating habits - including the nutritional program was a huge part of my success. I learned a lot about the quality and quantity of food I was eating.
I had so much fun and am so happy about how I feel that I'm on my way to becoming a trainer myself! It's going well and I hope to be ready to teach by fall.
I'm posting the before/after photos to show how much of a difference the program can make even when you're reasonably fit to begin with. I tried to keep the same pose although I would have rather shown off my "new" arms! The difference I feel in strength and confidence is a lot more dramatic than photos can show. It's not ALL about looks. Really.
I had so much fun and am so happy about how I feel that I'm on my way to becoming a trainer myself! It's going well and I hope to be ready to teach by fall.
I'm posting the before/after photos to show how much of a difference the program can make even when you're reasonably fit to begin with. I tried to keep the same pose although I would have rather shown off my "new" arms! The difference I feel in strength and confidence is a lot more dramatic than photos can show. It's not ALL about looks. Really.

Sunday, August 1, 2010
411 The Tyson Method
I am training 6 new trainers in Canada and 2 new Trainers here in LA. I am sooo excited about how it is going. These ladies are going to be phenomenal trainers. They are each improving every week and I am just so proud of each of them. It is not an easy program. I have been certified 5 times I altogether I think. The Tyson Method certification was developed from taking the best out of all these certifications plus years of experience from both myself as well as my Husband. We don't just work on form and training technique and exercises. We work on how to inspire, to lift others up, how to motivate and help our clients achieve results not only physically but spiritually and mentally as well. I am loving training these amazing women more than i could have ever known.
I am excited about the Nutritional Reboot system we are getting ready for fall.
You ladies are going to love it!
And the supplement line is great, i am using the energy drinks before class and I really notice a difference.
I am working on the fall schedule. We are planning to offer a lot more bootcamps here in LA. We will have bootcamps mon-sat mornings at Playa Vista and add in 2 evening bootcamps as well. I am adding another bootcmap in Palisades as well and 3 in south bay. I would love to add in a pregnancy class as well, if any one knows any pregnant women looking to workout and connect let me know.
I am excited about the Nutritional Reboot system we are getting ready for fall.
You ladies are going to love it!
And the supplement line is great, i am using the energy drinks before class and I really notice a difference.
I am working on the fall schedule. We are planning to offer a lot more bootcamps here in LA. We will have bootcamps mon-sat mornings at Playa Vista and add in 2 evening bootcamps as well. I am adding another bootcmap in Palisades as well and 3 in south bay. I would love to add in a pregnancy class as well, if any one knows any pregnant women looking to workout and connect let me know.
I will be taking the last 2 weeks of Aug off of teaching bootcamps. I have never done this before. But my body needs the break. I will use this time to focus on starting the new bootcamps here in LA and in Canada.
On a personal note, i decided to home school my Kaylani, so I am also using this time to prepare for this new exciting endeavor. I am loving being a mommy more each day, I am blessed to be able to spend so much time with my kids. I know this time is short so I am relishing every second of it.
I am considering doing a small fitness competition and barbeque for my LA mommies this fall.
If I can get enough of you to commit, i think it would be a blast!
We all now Kathy's in!
We all now Kathy's in!
So thats what's new with The Tyson Method.
Tami Tyson
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Getting Enough Calcium in Your Diet
Getting enough calcium in your diet is very important, especially for women because they are more susceptible to getting Osteoporosis. There are approximately 75 million people affected by Osteoporosis in Japan, Europe and the US alone. 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 will experience fractures related to Osteoporosis.
How much calcium do I need? For most young women, the intake should be between 1000-1300 mg per day, postmenopausal women should be between 1200-1500 mg and men should be between 1000-1200.
It is very important to take in the proper amount of calcium daily to prevent bone loss. It is very difficult to replace bone loss. Although there are treatments for Osteoporosis, there is no cure. For women, the bone mass peaks at the age of 30. From 30, the bone loss begins and as you get older, the acceleration of bone loss speeds up.
The most common misconception about calcium is that it can only be found in dairy products. Many people think the only way you can get the right amount of calcium in your diet is by drinking milk, eating cheese, etc. There are many calcium-rich foods that are also rich in other nutrients too.
It is also important to get the right amount of Vitamin D as well. Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium into the body.
Here are a few lists of things you can eat/do to get the right amount of calcium and Vitamin D. There are many options suitable for any type of diet.
-collard greens
-white beans
-Brussel Sprouts
-sesame seeds
-bok choy
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Tyson Method is growing quickly
I am currently training 4 new trainers. 2 here in LA and 2 in Canada.
We are planning on starting 5 new locations this Sept.
We are finishing writing up our certification and hope to start the training process with new instructors in Sept so they will be ready to instruct for January of 2011.
We are launching a new nutritional program this fall. I am really excited to be able to offer this to you all.
#1- Body Reboot
I am currently training 4 new trainers. 2 here in LA and 2 in Canada.
We are planning on starting 5 new locations this Sept.
We are finishing writing up our certification and hope to start the training process with new instructors in Sept so they will be ready to instruct for January of 2011.
We are launching a new nutritional program this fall. I am really excited to be able to offer this to you all.
#1- Body Reboot
This two week program is designed to help you reboot your metabolism and to learn the fundamentals of good nutrition for YOUR body. Every body is different, and each system works in a unique way. This detailed analysis will allow us to create an eating plan that is perfect for your lifestyle and your body.
#2 - Good nutrition for life
This package takes our Two Week Body Reboot to a whole new level! The Good Nutrition for Life Package is designed to help you maintain and manage everything you’ve learnt in your first two weeks by using our nutrition tracking program.
After a lot of research we have found a product line to represent called rain nutrition.
It has much to offer and i personally love the energy drink.
I am working on a new power yoga routine to add into our mix. It is hard, but I think you will really love the results and the way you feel afterwards.
I am taking the last 2 weeks off from teaching to give my body the rest it needs.My 2 LA instructors will take over for me. I am going to take the down time to get ready for our new locations starting in Sept.
So that's the scoop
lots of love
Tami Tyson
Baby food!
One of the best ways to incorporate healthy eating into your child's diet is by making your own baby food. You know what's in it, so there is no questioning the ingredients label. The Well Fed Baby cookbook is one of our favorite "cooking bibles" because of its healthy, easy recipes and best of all, tested and approved by babies.
We chose to share this quick veggie soup recipe since babies at 8 months are ready to mix many veggies into one bite and have yet to learn the word "No." This buys you some time to get more vitamins into their tummies, so chop, cook and puree away!
- Place veggies into a large sauce pan and add enough water to cover them completely.
- Add the garlic and bring to a boil.
- Lower to medium heat until the veggies are nearly tender, about 15 minutes.
- Add the barely, rice or pasta and continue to cook until it’s tender.
- Puree in a food processor or blender.
- Serve Warm.
- Use new (sanitized or thoroughly cleaned) ice cube trays.
- Each cube is equivalent to 1 ounce. Fill each cube, cover with plastic wrap and freeze.
- Pop out the cubes as needed (place them into a bowl and allow them to defrost before heating and feeding)
- Remainder cubes can be placed into a labeled and dated freezer bag for future meals.
- Never freeze in a jar, unless it is made for freezing.
- Can only be stored in a refrigerator for 48 hours.
- Do not feed the baby directly from the jar. Take out individual servings and use another bowl.
Serves: Many Feedings!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Beat the Heat
BEAT THE HEATPregnancy summer comfort tips on how to stay cool and beat the heat!HEAT WATCH
The summer can dip into unbearable triple digits, and the only thing worse than being too hot is being too hot and pregnant. Fluid retention may actually contribute to dehydration, making it a dangerous environment for your baby. Dehydration can cause your baby's heart to beat faster, and plus your baby is always 2 degrees F warmer than you are, without the ability to sweat to cool down. Fetal heat stress is the most damaging during the first trimester, which could lead to common birth defects like heart problems and nervous system malformation. Here are some tips for all women on how to beat the heat, plus some special tips for our preggo mommas. How To Keep Cool:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
411 For The Tyson Method
I am planning my workout for today.
I am thinking on concentrating on the inner thigh and of course our bootys!
My goal is to keep these workouts changing for a couple of reasons. So they don't get boring and for muscle confusion.
I tried out this new piece of equipment (thanks to Julia) called the gym sick and it's my new favorite thing.
The only problem is each gym stick is $80.00. Just a little much to buy 15 of them. So we are going to buy one and put it in the circuit on Wednesday and see how our mamas like it.
We are on the last week of our 6 week challenge. I am excited to see the results these hard working women have achieved. It's been busy the last 6 weeks but the pay off is in the results.
I am so happy for each of these women who committed and stuck to the 6 weeks. I have seen attitude changes and of course changes in the way they look. I am proud of how much these women have learnt about diet and eating to be healthy. I loved reading these women's journey over the last 6 weeks on our blog. It has been inspiring to say the least.
I am training 4 new instructors and I have to say they are learning fast. Alexis is going to teach her first portion of a class today. Exciting stuff!
Stacey (one of our 6 week challengers) is helping me with all the behind the scenes paper work. She is incredible, she is fast and a hard worker. She has an eye for detail and is organized. She is an answer to prayer.
So that's what is going on at The Tyson Method this week.
Tami Tyson
I am thinking on concentrating on the inner thigh and of course our bootys!
My goal is to keep these workouts changing for a couple of reasons. So they don't get boring and for muscle confusion.
I tried out this new piece of equipment (thanks to Julia) called the gym sick and it's my new favorite thing.
The only problem is each gym stick is $80.00. Just a little much to buy 15 of them. So we are going to buy one and put it in the circuit on Wednesday and see how our mamas like it.
We are on the last week of our 6 week challenge. I am excited to see the results these hard working women have achieved. It's been busy the last 6 weeks but the pay off is in the results.
I am so happy for each of these women who committed and stuck to the 6 weeks. I have seen attitude changes and of course changes in the way they look. I am proud of how much these women have learnt about diet and eating to be healthy. I loved reading these women's journey over the last 6 weeks on our blog. It has been inspiring to say the least.
I am training 4 new instructors and I have to say they are learning fast. Alexis is going to teach her first portion of a class today. Exciting stuff!
Stacey (one of our 6 week challengers) is helping me with all the behind the scenes paper work. She is incredible, she is fast and a hard worker. She has an eye for detail and is organized. She is an answer to prayer.
So that's what is going on at The Tyson Method this week.
Tami Tyson
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Try roasting some veggies!
Great accompaniment to the Roasted Chicken main dish. Roasted veggies are a great alternative to fried foods but still have that same great taste.
1 large onion, sliced or cubed
2 large baking potatoes, cubed
1 pkg. baby carrots, peeled and trimmed
2 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper for flavor
Red or green peppers (optional)
2 large baking potatoes, cubed
1 pkg. baby carrots, peeled and trimmed
2 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper for flavor
Red or green peppers (optional)
1. Rub veggies with olive oil.
2. Salt and pepper minimally for taste.
3. Place vegetables in a roasting pan, you may need to spray it lightly with PAM.
4. Roast in preheated 350 degree oven for approximately 45 minutes.
5. Test for doneness by pricking potatoes with fork, if it goes in easily, veggies should be ready.
6. Serve with roasted chicken, steak or pork chops.
1. Rub veggies with olive oil.
2. Salt and pepper minimally for taste.
3. Place vegetables in a roasting pan, you may need to spray it lightly with PAM.
4. Roast in preheated 350 degree oven for approximately 45 minutes.
5. Test for doneness by pricking potatoes with fork, if it goes in easily, veggies should be ready.
6. Serve with roasted chicken, steak or pork chops.
Health Benefits
Nutrient dense, meaning you get a packed house of nutrients for the amount of calories that carrots, red peppers and potatoes have. The great thing about a potato is that it has both soluble and insoluble fiber. It helps to lower cholesterol and aid digestion. Eating foods like these are a great way to ensure women’s fitness and health.
Nutrient dense, meaning you get a packed house of nutrients for the amount of calories that carrots, red peppers and potatoes have. The great thing about a potato is that it has both soluble and insoluble fiber. It helps to lower cholesterol and aid digestion. Eating foods like these are a great way to ensure women’s fitness and health.
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3c chickpea soaking water, set aside*
2 cloves are garlic, chopped
2 tbs of olive oil
1 tbsp white sesame seeds, toasted
2 tbsp lemon juice
salt to taste
Optional: 1/4 c sun-dried tomatoes, kalamata olives, tahini or marinated artichokes.
Serve with salt-free crackers, veggies or whole wheat pita bread.
Thicker consistency results in less mess for little fingers.