Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Half way there!

I absolutely LOVE this boot camp - I am really having a lot of fun, and working hard! It's so great that Lisa is doing this in Rosenort.....I'm just sorry that I didn't join the first one - I'd be so much further ahead :) I've been trying to lose those famous "last 10 lbs" for awhile now, and find it hard to get motivated some days - and this has been great to get me going. I am NOT a morning person, so this something that I work with to get ready to go in the morning, but I also find that I don't want to sleep in as much either. I am getting more energy, and feel stronger, and I'm not even done yet....I do find though that I am for sure hungrier, and need to make sure that I do make better choices in what I am eating. I don't really like that the scale is moving upwards a bit, and yet the clothes are definitely getting a bit looser though. I know that the scale is evil, but I have to keep tabs on what/where I am. Battling the bulge for years, I just know that does work and keep accountable!
Thanks Tami for a great program, and Lisa for keeping us going during the workouts - you amaze me :)

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