Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I made it back on!!

Hi everyone!!
I have so much to say over the last few weeks of boot camp in Rosenort and starting up boot camp in Stienbach.
We are on our 5th week in Rosenort and it is going really well. The women/moms are looking amazing, but still a bit shy of the camera. I did manage to take a few pictures to day, I hope to post them Thursday after I get the go ahead. There were lots of kids out today doing there own bootcamp. I was very impressed with there form. We felt like we were working out in fall weather today , but we made it through with leaps and bounds. It seamed to make it a bit easier than the almost 40c weather we were working out in last week. I don't think I've ever felt my eyes lids sweat before.
We've been working on our booty lift work outs to pilates and yoga , then tae bo to top it off. So much abs that we wouldn't feel a speeding bus hit us in our core. It's been great watching and helping and doing this boot camp with these hard working Canadian women killing it in all weather and conditions.

It Stienbach it's been great, but a bit harder of a start with it being August and families on holidays and in Summer mode. The moms that have showed up have been a complete pleasure to work out with and show the tyson method way. I'm really looking forward to see them tomorrow. Lets hope the weather is better for us.
The very first class was absolutely the hardest class I've done so far. It was insanely hot, but the girls made it through with smile and came back the second time loving it and wanting more. They were very sore and complete troopers.

Tami and I have got so many comments from husbands . It's so sweet to hearing the men/partners rave on about how happy they are with there fit wives, and what a difference it's made in their lives and their families lives.

Keep up the good work ladies! It's such a pleasure to see all of you the two days a week.


  1. I LOVE BOOTCAMP!! I hope that you keep doing this over and over again Lisa. When I signed up I never thought I would love it as much as I do or feel as good as I do! When I started I was a size 10 and now I am easily in a 6! Being very self conscious about my body (especially my legs) I NEVER would be caught dead in shorts no matter how hot it would be, but now I can't help but show them off! My husband loves my new found confidence and all the cute little outfits I wear now. (not to mention pinching my tight little rear every now and then!) Lisa, you are without a doubt, the best person to lead this class! With your super postive attitude and amazing energy, how could anyone not want to workout with you? Thank you so much for showing me that feeling beautiful is within my power.

  2. Thanks sherri you rock!! I'm so glad you like it. xo

  3. Lisa you are amazing, such an incredible motivator and so much fun to boot. I love you soo much!
