Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer is getting close to a end.....

I can not believe that Summer has passed us so fast. It's been great, filled with lots of hot weather and time with wonderful bootcamp buddies.
The Rosenort bootcamp is on the last week of the 6 weeks. The moms/women look absolutely amazing! In total the majority of the women have been doing the Tyson Method bootcamp for 12 weeks with only one week break in between. There is one mom that has been eating health, not dieting but choosing clean healthy food and working out in the bootcamp, as well as keeping very busy with three kids and a business, and has lost 30 pounds. She looks so strong and lean . This is just one of the many women I'm proud of in the boot camp.

Well the kids will be back in school and routine will start again, time for next boot camp in Rosenort.It will start Sept. 2nd. You'll be able the choose between a 3 day week or 2 day week. And it will run for 4 weeks. Let me know if your interested before it's to late.... I can't wait to start again.

See you Thursday:)


  1. That's so exciting to see those changes, especially as people see it through for 12 weeks and longer. It sounds like you're putting amazing love and effort into it - way to go!

  2. we ned some before and after pictures!

  3. It has been another great 6 weeks - and flown by so quickly!! I couldn't wait 'til tomorrow to do my measurements and was once again pretty happy, though they weren't quite as dramatic as the first round results (perhaps too much yummy summer food and drinks??) But, I am down 10 lbs since the beginning (14 since winter) which makes me happy, OK, REALLY, REALLY happy as I'm back at pre-babies weight. I never expected results like this. Mostly I am just excited to feel so strong and fit - I haven't felt this "in shape" since high school. (which is a long, long time ago).
    Yay for continuing on into fall...though my schedule will now probably only allow 2 days instead of 3 as life gets crazy again!
    Keep up the awesome work, Lisa - you are totally inspiring!

  4. Hey lisa, just have to say thanks for the last 12 weeks, they have been awesome! You have really motivated me to push harder. I feel stronger than I have in a really long time. I'm going to miss the boot camps though so it's bitter sweet.
