Friday, August 27, 2010

Join our 90 day challenge!

12 weeks of doing The Tyson Method!
 Lost 10 pounds and  9 inches!

Twyla, mother of 4 

It is so much easier it is to keep up  with my 4 busy kids
says Twyla


  1. What an inspiration Twyla!
    Thank you so much for sharing your success with us. It really helps motivate the rest of us.
    4 kids and look at you!
    So exciting!

  2. Way to go Twyla! It take guts to do a before and after picture and you look fabulous! You worked so hard!

  3. I do hope I can be a inspiration to others - I'm just thankful that I finally got motivated to do something like this! The lost weight is such a bonus, but feeling strong and healthy are the best parts. Thanks AGAIN Lisa and Tami for bringing this to Rosenort and inspiring me!
